Amelia was born on 12th October 1999, the first of James and Kara's children. The birth was normal, albeit very fast and exciting. She was a few weeks early, but healthy and she didn't need any special care. The next four years passed happily and Amelia grew healthily and quite normally. One point of note is that she was has always been very tall, much taller than her contemporaries and generally taller than kids one year older. Since Kara and I are both quite tall (179 and 181 cms respectively) this has never been seen as particularly strange.
In late May 2004, Amelia was diagnosed with a neuroblastoma in her adrenal gland and Opsoclonus Myoclonus syndrome (OMS). In one short week, our lives were turned upside down as we struggled to deal the knowledge of Amelia's condition and the treatment that was to follow.
The first symptom that made us seek help was a tremor in Amelia's hands, but in hindsight, there has been changes to Amelia's behaviour for some months previously. The first thing that was different was her attitute towards preschool. Amelia had attended a Montessori school since she was three and always enjoyed herself, her teachers once commented on how she used to sing to herself as she did her activities. Amelia was very happy socially as well and she made some very good friends. This began to change in about November 2003 when we noticed that she started to resist going to preschool, she complained about the work being boring and in the parent teacher interview at that time we noticed that she seemed to be lagging her peers in a couple of areas.
Amelia's dislike of preschool slowly increased over the months and she started to show other changes as well. She started to talk like a baby at times, she started to have temper tantrums on a daily basis, she was becoming very clumsy and though we didn't notice it at the time and she was putting on a lot of weight (15kg to 23kg in about six months). Most of these changes we attributed to stress from the immanent arrival of our third child. Kara stopped work because of her 'irritable uterus' and she started to rest a lot and probably gave Amelia and Amelia's younger sister, Emma less attention than they were used to.
The hand shakes started to appear just as Sophie was due. Kara and I were both a bit worried about it and decided to seek some advice after the baby arrived. Sophie finally arrived on May 20th and I brought Kara and the new baby home on the 24th. Kara had not seen very much of Amelia while she was in hospital and when she got home she was distressed to see that the shaking was much worse than she remembered. Amelia's behaviour has also gotten a lot worse, she was talking almost entirely in baby talk and she was usually having two or more screaming tantrums each day. It was now obvious that this was more than just a reaction to the new baby. Kara called a social worker and described Amelia's condition and she suggested we speak to our doctor, so we booked in to see Dr Dowd.
We saw Dr. Lynn Dowd at 16:15 on May 26th. It was our first outing as a family of five and we had our new people mover filled up with an assortment of nappies, child seats, changes of clothes, milk drinks, three small girls and two very busy and worried parents. It would have been more practical if just mum or I had taken Amelia to the doctor, but we both wanted to be there. Dr. Dowd proded and poked and observed and to her great credit (I later found out that this condition can be mistake for a virus), she decided that something was seriously wrong. She didn't say at the time, but I think she suspected a brain tumour and she sent us directly to the emergency department of Royal North Shore Hospital. She even rang ahead and asked that a doctor she knew, Dr. Helen Young, see Amelia.
I was distressed that Amelia's problems seemed to be so serious, but I was also relieved that we were getting prompt attention. I had been dreading a long and protracted diagnosis that might involve months of seeing specialists and I didn't realise how serious it was about to get.
We got to the hospital a bit after 18:00 and went straight to emergency. Kara had rung her parents and her father, Tony arrived not long after us. The staff were great and after various prods and pokes we were sent up to a ward to wait for CT scan. I first got really worried when I was in the CT room with my lead suit on. Seeing Amelia in that big machine got me thinking about what they were looking for and I think that I first started to consider that there might be a brain tumour. I remember thinking that a four year old girl should not have to go through this.
The CT scan didn't detect anything and I felt very relieved. I thought that a brain tumour was the worst case and Amelia seemed to be in the clear. We were also booked in for an MRI scan which didn't happen until Thursday.
Kara went home after the CT scan to get some well needed rest. Sophie was only 6 days old and nobody could believe that Kara had only just given birth.
We had great care while we waited for the MRI. I stayed all the time and Kara came in during the day, we had our own room and the staff were terrific. Amelia had a few needles over this time and was starting to realise what being in hospital meant, but it was still a big adventure for her and she didn't have any tantrums. I think Amelia had been trying to hide her symptoms for sometime and she was relieved that it was out in the open and getting attention. Apart from the better behaviour, her speach changed from baby talk to normal sentences expressed at a very slow and measured pace.
The MRI was what picked up the neuroblastoma. The scans of the head didn't show anything, but on incredibly wise advice from Dr. Paddy Grattan Smith, they scanned Amelia's abdomen and found the tumour in the right adrenal gland. I realised that this was very serious when Dr. Young asked us to sit down before she gave us the diagnosis. I didn't even know what a neuroblastoma was but the doctor's manner made me think it was nasty. What I didn't know then, and fortunately didn't find out until it was irrelevant, was that neuroblastoma is usually fatal in children over about 18 months. My naive assumption, which turned out to be correct in a way, was that the tumour was readily treatable and so I felt quite relieved that the cause of all Amelia's problems had been found.
So we said good by to all of our new friends at RNSH and Amelia and I were transfered to Sydney Children's Hospital in Randwick in the back of an ambulance. Kara and various relatives followed us.
Sydney Children's Hospital Randwick emergency was a very different experience to RNSH. RNSH was quiet and comfortable, but SCHR seemed was like an episode of ER, with constant action of patients and doctors all around us in cramped conditions. Fortunately, we didn't have to wait in emergency very long because Dr. Grattan Smith was expecting us and we were in our own room within a couple of hours. The next week went as follows:
- Saturday - Went home in the afternoon.
- Sunday - I took Amelia back to hospital on Sunday night.
- Monday - CT Scan of the chest and abdomen which confirmed the neuroblastoma. Nil by mouth since last night, but Amelia didn't need sedation after all. Around this time we got the diagnosis of Opsoclonus Myoclonus. It seems that Amelia's immune system was attacking the tumour, which was fantastic news, but he immune response was also attacking her brain. We still hadn't seen the statistics for neuroblastoma, but we were given the impression that the tumour will 'shell out' and there was a high chance that Amelia would not need chemotherapy.
- Tuesday - Nothing?
- Wednesday - Bone scan. This was a bad day and Amelia was getting tired of hospital. Nil by mouth and sedated for the scan. The sedation wore off before the scan was finished and Amelia paniced about being restrained for the scan. She had to be very still for the scan to work and I avioded getting her sedated again by telling Amelia stories for 40 minutes where the heros had to be very still!
- Thursday - Nil by mouth again today. Today the tumor was removed by Dr. Bruce Curry. The operation went well. A highlight of the day was going down to the operating suit being led by the music therapist who sang and played guitar as we walked along the corridors. A frozen section showed the tumour was relatively benign as expected. I got gastro during the night and Amelia and I were moved into isolation.
- Friday - Today was a disaster because I got sick. The hospital closed the ward down and no doctors, patients or visitors were allowed. I was told to leave and not come back for 48 hours. They didn't want Kara to come in because they were worried that she might get it (or already have it...) and that would be bad for her milk supply, so we had to start looking for alternatives for being with Amelia. She was still taking a lot of morphine for the pain so it was a very bad time for her to be without mum and dad. Kara's father Tony got sick at the same time as me and Emma had been sick a few days earlier. My side of the family planned out for the two days that Kara and I were locked out.
- Saturday - Kara went in to take over from my mother and look after Amelia during the day. My sister, Marion looked after Amelia that night. I had to tell Amelia stories over the phone to settle her down before she went to sleep.
- Sunday - I returned to look after Amelia at about 07:00
- Monday - The ward was reopened and Kara and I had a conference with the doctors. We finally saw some statistics showing the recovery rates from neuroblastoma which showed a very high (over 95%) survival rate for neuroblastoma associated with Opsoclonus Myoclonus and a very low rate for other cases.
- Tuesday - Amelia had a bone marrow biopsy which was very traumatic because she had numerous severe tantrums. We suspect she had a bad reaction to the sedation and it took a couple of days for the tantrums to subside.
We had a week at home between Tuesday 8th June and Thursday 17th.
- 14 Jun 2004