Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Back to school

Yesterday was a highlight in Amelia's recovery. Amelia went back to preschool successfully for the first time since the diagnosis. We had planned this for a while and had been to the school with Amelia to meet the teachers the day before.

It was a short visit, but a very positive one. Amelia interacted with her peers quite normally and really seemed to enjoy herself. Her friends, including her great friend Ben, were very happy to see her and Amelia was keen to interact. This is a marked change from the withdrawn behaviour we have seen recently.

The preschool's systematic application of the Montessori system showed its value when the teachers used their reports of Amelia's progress to show that she has not gone backwards. Her letter and number work picked up from where she left off which was a huge relief. We will try to use the reports to help the speech pathologist and the neuropsychologist.

There are still some OMS symptoms present. Amelia's speach is now adequate and she communicates well, but it is still a bit slow and badly articulated. We will see the speech pathologist on Monday to get a proper assessment. The tantrums are still a problem, but they have got better over the last few days. There didn't seem to be any improvement for about a week, but it looks like she might be getting better again now.

Amelia is now up to 23.5 kg and looking more and more cushingiod. We have a good diet now, and even I am losing weight, but I think the steroids are winning the battle at the moment!


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